Advocates Wanted!
ANSWER: It's Your Right
You have the right to educate yourself on issues, to get involved as an individual or as part of a group, to speak for yourself, voicing your rights, your opinions, your dreams. In America, advocacy is nothing more than participating in your democratic system.
ANSWER: It's your responsibility!
To gain equal access to employment, education, housing, shopping, transportation, government, etc., etc., It's your responsibility to be assertive; let others know what you need and how you feel. It's your responsibility to share what you've found out and help others in the process.
Join the Advocacy Group at Tri-County Independent Living Center. Learn to write letters and talk to legislators and members of congress.
Master the art of writing effective letters to the editor and addressing the media. Grasp the concept of organizing an advocacy group, running a meeting, formulating an agenda.
Don't be intimidated by the people you have elected to represent you. Don't buckle under to business or agency executives. Their jobs depend on your patronage!
Contact Us
If you are interested in becoming an advocate, contact us using the phone numbers listed in the menu to the left, or use our contact form to send us a message.